What's up, it's @hackedongrowth  here, Nowadays as I struggled with things like motivation and especially my mood for many months but recently things have improved a lot today I want to show you how I managed to cure my depression.

Now, as a reminder, I am not a certified therapist; I'm just a man on the internet sharing his personal experience. I have been through a little type of depression, but if you feel you need serious treatment, I recommend that you contact a qualified professional to talk to.

When you're sad, it might feel like nothing can make you feel better. Depression is a distressing disorder because the symptoms it causes can prevent you from taking action or seeking help that would initiate your recovery. Some of the symptoms that make it difficult to recover from depression include a lack of energy, poor self-esteem, and waning excitement.

Anyone who is feeling trapped should realize that depression is a fairly common and extremely curable condition. You may overcome depression by treating it like any other medical condition and doing activities that will remove the parasites infecting your mental state. Here are a few steps to help you get started.

1. Why Shouldn't Isolate Yourself

When you are sad, you may have ideas that advise you to remain alone, be quiet, and not disturb others with your issues. These beliefs, once again, should be considered parasites that aim to prevent your body from being healthy. Don't pay attention to them. When you are unhappy, even if you are ashamed, confiding in a friend or sharing your concerns might help to lighten your load and start the process of resolving your sadness. Talking about your troubles or concerns is not a self-indulgent or self-pitying activity. Friends and relatives, particularly those who care about you, will be relieved to hear what's going on.

Even simply putting yourself in a social situation might raise your emotions. Just go into a place where you can meet others who share your interests or go to a public venue like a museum, park, or mall where you may enjoy being around people. Not allow yourself to believe that you are different from or inferior to others. Everyone struggles from time to time, and your sadness does not define who you are or distinguish you from others.

2. Evaluate & Overcome Major Self-Defense Attacks

Depression is usually followed by a harsh, self-destructive mindset that disrupts and distracts us from our daily lives. When people are sad, they tend to embrace their bad identity as a real reflection of who they are. Many individuals fail to comprehend that this cruel point of view is the voice of an unseen foe within. These damaging ideas can be compared to the parasites that keep you in bed when you have the sickness. Don't listen to these attacks when they advise you not to pursue your objectives, to isolate yourself, or to give up a favorite pastime. This strengthens the voice's grip on you.

Instead, recognize these ideas and attitudes as an alien point of view when you find them intensifying and taking priority over your more realistic, constructive ways of thinking. Consider if you would have such unkind thoughts about a friend or family member who was going through similar difficulties. You may begin to understand who you are more clearly and realistically if you have compassion for yourself and see this inner voice as a dangerous foe.

3. Enjoy a funny TV show or film.

It may appear ridiculous or too simplistic, but anything that makes you laugh or grin might actually assist your brain to believe you are happy. If you consider depression to be your critical inner voice tricking you into feeling lousy, you might prepare your own methods to combat despair. Play your favorite comedy, watch a humorous movie, or read a hilarious author. Consider this exercise not only a diversion but a powerful tool for telling your brain that you can feel great again.

4. Don't Blame Yourself 

Feeling ashamed or self-conscious about your depression may exacerbate your symptoms and deter you from getting assistance. Your critical ideas about yourself will try to keep you down in whatever way they can, even criticizing you for feeling low. During challenging circumstances, it is critical to stand by yourself and show compassion for yourself. You may have a far more acceptable attitude about yourself if you are inquiring, open, accepting, and loving. Take care of your mental wellness. Keep in mind that depression is a fairly common and extremely treatable illness. It's simply a matter of identifying that you're in pain and locating a solution that works for you.

5. Consult a Counsellor

Talking is an effective strategy to alleviate depression. If you're feeling down, don't allow someone to convince you it's not a big problem or that you'll soon be OK. There is nothing embarrassing about admitting you have a problem that you can't manage to fix on your own and seeking the assistance of a therapist.

Asking for assistance is a courageous act, and chatting with a therapist is a healthy, constructive undertaking from which everyone may profit. Learning about the origins of your sorrow will help you recognize and confront your critical inner voice, which can genuinely help you ease its influence on your life.

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