In today's session, we'll go over a strong notion that can double, triple, or even fivefold the rate at which you acquire friends.

Let's pretend for a moment that there's a number over everyone's head that indicates how much they're worth.

This is a term that is frequently used to allude to the notion of value. And, as superficial as it may appear, and as much as we'd like to believe we don't, we are all instinctively giving values to others around us.

Because it permits us to build a hierarchy in our thinking, our brain and the brains of most other animals have evolved to achieve this.

It enables us to determine who is the most powerful individual in the room. Who we should endeavour to win over, and who isn't that important and may be disregarded. This was significant since we humans used to live in close-knit communities for millions of years.

Your life would be jeopardised if you couldn't identify and obtain the favour of the individuals with the greatest values in this group, the ones in command, the ones with the most authority. You're probably wondering now.

How does this have anything to do with making friends? The greater your perceived value compared to those around you, the simpler it will be to befriend others. Before ever meeting you, people will want to be your buddy.

They will want to get your approval. However, if your worth is too low, you will have a far more difficult time gaining friends. In fact, people may begin to ignore you.

This raises two questions. First and foremost, how can we determine our present worth?

And number two, what can we do to boost it? Humans consider three types of factors when deciding how much someone is worth. We'll go over each one briefly and discuss what you can do to enhance each of these areas.

1. The Physical Appearance Of Someone.

We're looking into hygiene. Whether or if a person is well-dressed. If you appear and smell as if you haven't washed in weeks, your perceived worth will be significantly lower. Take care of yourself by taking a shower, getting a haircut, doing your laundry, clipping your nails, and taking care of yourself.

Because if you appear incapable of caring for yourself, you will appear incapable of caring for others. We examine physical beauty.

The first is health markers. If you're exceedingly overweight, if you appear unwell, or if you appear really weary, your perceived worth decreases. This is because you appear to be someone who will bring the organisation down. Get to the gym, improve your nutrition, and get enough sleep.

2. Strong Genetics

This is significant because the only way to sustain human civilization is to have kids who live to adulthood. As a result, we intuitively search for symmetry of the face in both genders, height, wide shoulders, and jawline if you're a male, hip to waist ratio, breast size, and youthfulness if you're a lady. This is a sensitive issue since many of these things are unchangeable. You can't actually modify factors like your height or your face symmetry. The good news is that these elements are merely a piece of the jigsaw.

You can still become someone of extremely high worth if you focus on everything else that can raise your value. Going to the gym, for example, can help you acquire broader shoulders and more muscular mass. You may also take advantage of fashion. Which is the final thing we look for when it comes to looking at the products and apparel you wear that can draw attention to your body's best characteristics. Someone short may appear taller, someone who is overweight can appear more muscular, and someone with poor facial symmetry can give the appearance of symmetry by employing clothes and accessories.

3. The Status Value.

In essence, how much authority they possess. We search for wealth indicators. Money is nothing more than a piece of paper with a monetary value attached to it. That piece of paper can be exchanged for meals. That piece of paper can be exchanged for a home.

This is why people prefer to use money as a measure of success since the more money you produce, the more valuable you are technical. However, you can't just whip out your bank statement and present it to everyone you encounter. Wealth is best presented subtly. Fashion, jewellery, and watches, as well as how giving you are, are all signs of affluence.

However, it is vital to emphasise that wealth is valued far more in poor nations than in developed ones.

In New York, for example, wearing a fine watch and flashing a couple thousand dollars will not impress anyone. In fact, most individuals will probably roll their eyes at you. But in a developing country, that's a huge problem. In any case, it's critical to have your money in order since if you're broke, you won't be able to contribute anything. Instead, you'd be forced to become a value taker, someone who relies on the assistance of others to exist.

People who can only take are quickly perceived as being of poor worth. Consider the majority of homeless individuals. They are nearly undetectable since they are obliged to beg for assistance.

The third factor we consider when determining Status is someone's career. We seek clues that indicate what kind of job this individual plays in the context. For example, if you're at a hospital, the guy dressed as a surgeon will be more valuable than the one dressed as a nurse. In a nightclub, the DJ is more valuable than any random person on the dance floor. Finally, social proof is something we search for.

Essentially, how many friends you already have and how well-known you are. If someone enters into the room and everyone greets them and smiles, you might think to yourself, "Wow, who is that guy?" But if someone walks into the room and everyone greets them and everyone smiles, you might think to yourself, "Wow, who is that guy?"You don't think anything of him while he plays with his phone. One of the two most effective markers of worth is social proof.

If a lot of people recognise you, you're practically a celebrity, and it doesn't really matter what you look like or how much money you have – people will want to engage with you simply because of your renown. So, even if you're not the most attractive person, you can greatly raise your worth by just learning how to befriend everyone around you - which is exactly the goal of this blog.

Before we get to the last section on establishing someone's worth, I'd want to make a short point.

We'll go deeper if we pay attention to someone's voice and intonation. A high-pitched voice indicates that your body is tight. You don't appear calm, and as previously said, if you don't appear comfortable, your perceived worth will be reduced.

There will also be an in-depth video on voice and intonation. Finally, we'll take a look at something called Frame. This is a very broad notion, but in a nutshell, it refers to how quickly you are affected by outside situations.

For example, if someone made fun of you, are you the sort of person that gets easily offended or do you just laugh because you don't care? The stronger your frame, the less influenced by outside forces, and the more self-assured you appear. As a result, your worth will rise. Consider value as a multiplier in front of our current equation.

If you have a high worth, such as a celebrity, you can literally befriend others 10 times faster than average individuals. I'm not suggesting you have to become a star, but you should absolutely concentrate on increasing your total worth in order to double or even triple the rate at which you gain friends.

This is a double-edged sword because if you let yourself go and allow your worth to fall, you will have to work twice as hard, if not three times as much, as the ordinary Joe to befriend.

If you don't do it right you won't find any success. That's it from my side let me know your thought see you :)

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